Deciding to work towards a quality standard demonstrates your commitment to implementing quality assured advice services. The AQS Support Package includes three strands of support to help you prepare for assessment.
AQS Suite of Webinars
The AQS Webinar Suite includes a series of webinars that you and your team can access at any time, with expert explanations, highlighting common corrective actions and top tips. There are 10 webinars in total covering the application process, each of the 7 sections of the Standard, Casework and Debt Advice.
Quality Manual
The Quality Manual has been developed by our AQS team to set out the operational standards and guidance for your advice service. The Manual includes Policies and Procedures that you can adapt to your own practice and will enable you to set out what you are aiming to achieve, and the quality standards to which you adhere to.
On-going Technical Support
As part of the package, you will gain access to on-going support from the AQS Quality Manager. You can decide how much or how little support you need and can access the Quality Manager by telephone, email and video conferencing (Microsoft Teams or Zoom). You may wish to involve your colleagues during these sessions and we welcome these group question and answer sessions.
How much does it cost?
The complete package (including all the solutions outlined above) can be purchased for a small fee of £350.00 + VAT.
To register for the AQS Support package, please complete and return the registration form which can be accessed here.