The MaPS quality programme comprises the following strands, which are all based upon the DAPA Scheme requirements:
The Recipient Level DAPA programme is aimed at the MaPS funded Recipient (the Lead Organisation). Assessment activities take place on a quarterly basis, and a sample of suitable case files will be drawn at random across all members of the Recipients supply chain. The assessment will reflect advice levels of both Advice only and Casework. Each file assessed will be summarised within a formal written report detailing the findings of the assessment process and a score awarded which will be benchmarked against MaPS KPI requirements.
The Technical Site Visit seeks to provide an up to date snapshot of the quality of advice provision using the DAPA Scheme criteria as the basis for the visit. File reviews and observations of Debt Advisers conducting client appointments provide a real time view on the quality of advice being delivered and help identify good practice, areas for improvement and wider topics to consider for training. Each MaPS funded participant will be scheduled for a Technical Site visit at least annually. Where actual client detriment (as defined by the DAPA Scheme) is identified, additional visits may be scheduled.
A Triggered Technical Site visit will be activated if ‘actual client detriment’ (as defined by the DAPA Scheme) is identified via one of the MaPS Quality Strands and/or via internal file review/technical supervision monitoring activities. This activity is a risk-based intervention, and a larger than normal sample of files will be selected for consideration during the Triggered Technical Site Visit to enable the DAPA Scheme to understand if the previously observed detriment was an isolated incidence, or if there is a greater underlying issue that requires immediate attention. All case files will be assessed against the DAPA Scheme criteria, at a level appropriate to the channel of advice and case selected i.e. Advice Only or Casework. Each file assessed will be summarised within a formal written report detailing the findings of the assessment process and a score awarded which will be benchmarked against MaPS KPI requirements.
All organisations funded by MaPS for delivering advice via the digital webchat platform will be eligible for assessment against this quality strand. Assessment activities take place on a bi-annual assessment cycle, and a sample of suitable advice sessions via this delivery channel will be selected at random. Each advice session assessed will be summarised within a formal written report detailing the findings of the assessment process and a score awarded which will be benchmarked against MaPS KPI requirements.
All organisations funded by MaPS for delivering advice via this digital channel will be eligible for assessment against this quality strand. Assessment activities will take place on an annual basis and a sample of both the call recording of the advice session and any relevant case record will be considered as part of the assessment process. The assessment sample will be drawn at random across all Advisers giving advice via this medium. Each advice session assessed will be summarised within a formal written report detailing the findings of the assessment process and a score awarded which will be benchmarked against MaPS KPI requirements.
Assessment cycles are tailored to the individual strands and range from quarterly activities to annual. For all strands, client case files are considered as part of the assessment, and for both Technical and Triggered Site visits, the assessment process will extend to observing client appointments.
For each client file assessed, a comprehensive written report will be prepared highlighting performance against the Scheme criteria. Each file will result in an assessment score benchmarked against the MaPS KPI requirements. Performance trends and high level themes will be identified as appropriate to inform continuous improvement.